
How to Remove Multiple Layers of Wallpaper

Wallpaper is a wonderful design element for a home, and as with paint, at some point it will be time to give your home a fresh look. You will need to either paper over your existing wallpaper, or remove it completely before hanging new paper.

How to Remove Wallpaper from Plaster Walls

Regardless of how beautiful old wallpaper is in your home, at some point you may want to give your walls a new look. The thought of removing old wallpaper can give some folks nightmares, and stripping wallpaper from plaster walls may call for extra care. If you use the techniques suggested in this article, the old paper will come off easily and you’ll be ready to hang your new wallpaper in no time.

Paintable textured wallpaper

How to Hang Textured, Paintable Wallpaper

Have an older home with damaged walls but want a fresh, modern look? Textured, paintable wallpaper can help you achieve a beautiful new finish without the need to replace walls. We explore how the different types of textured wallpaper, and how best to prep for and install it.


How To Repair Damaged Wallpaper

Wallpaper has long been a favorite design element to bring elegance to a room and grab your attention. Unfortunately, as it gets older, damage can occur and what was once beautiful has now become an eyesore. We’ll show you how to repair the most common types of wallpaper damage, like curling corners, bubbles, and opening seams.

Room shot of jute grasscloth wallcovering in a kitchen.

How to Hang Grasscloth Wallpaper

Grasscloth wallpaper is a natural product that evokes a feeling of peace and calm in any room it adorns. Available in a variety of colors as well as different natural fibers such as hemp, jute, rushcloth and sisal, grasscloth can be a part of almost any design scheme. It is truly distinct because it is all natural with a texture that invites you to touch it to see if it’s real.

Wallpaper syringe in front of wallpaper bubble.

How to Fix Wallpaper Bubbles: 6 Steps for a Seamless Repair

The finished wallpaper project in your home looks beautiful and everyone loves it, but later you notice some loose spots. Your wallpaper has bubbles. If you’ve just hung the wallpaper and the glue is still moist, you may be able to lift it off the wall and smooth out the bubble as you reapply it, or, if the wallpaper is peel and stick, you can usually just reposition the panel and remove the bubble. If the wallpaper has been up for a while, you will need to repair it.

Can I Use the Paste-the-Wall Technique to Hang Wallpaper?

You have your wallpaper, you’ve prepped your materials, and you’re ready to hang – but your not sure if you should paste the wall or paste the paper. Which method is right? Will it cause problems if you choose wrong? We explain the differences between the methods and how you can figure out which is right for your project.

A hand wiping down a wall with a sponge.

How to Remove Wallpaper Glue from Walls

You’ve finally decided to update your home, starting with tearing out the wallpaper that you’ve had for over 30 years. You also need to remove the wallpaper glue ﹘ a tedious task that takes time and energy in order to achieve a smooth, clean wall. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you work, stubborn wallpaper glue often remains, which can be a problem if you plan to paint or wallpaper the wall. 

Wood panel texture

Can You Wallpaper Over Wood Paneling?

During the mid-twentieth century, wood paneling dominated the decor in many homes, creating a cozy atmosphere that families loved. Those days are long gone, but the paneling remains, much to the current homeowners’ dismay. For those who do not want the hassle of removing the panels, putting wallpaper over the wood is a simple solution.

Various wallpaper patterns in a bag.

How to Choose the Right Wallpaper for Your Interiors

The right wallpaper sets a room’s mood, energizing the space with a bold, eye-catching accent wall or soothing the area with a muted backdrop wall. Today’s homeowners also use wallpaper for out-of-the-box ideas, like providing a colorful backing for cabinets and closets, covering a tabletop, or even placing it on the ceiling to add excitement and dimension to their rooms. Wallpaper is an excellent way to help homeowners upgrade and enhance a home’s decor, with the use of the right tools and materials. 

Woman painting over wallpaper.

Can You Paint Over Wallpaper?

Perhaps the most dreaded home improvement project is stripping wallpaper off of a wall. You have some great design ideas for the house but they all involve paint, and you really don’t want to spend days on end with a putty knife and hand steamer trying to get 20-year old wallpaper off the wall.  In fact, you are looking for any option that doesn’t involve removing the wallpaper. Can you paint over it?

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